
Porch cut-away Studded Wall West  F8 Balcony (top view) F16
Runner Detail  F2 Studded Wall East  F9 Fastener Detail F17
Sub-floor detail 1  F3 Floor Plan  F10 Column Finish Detail F18
Sub floor (side)  F4 Railing Specs F11 East Wall Cut F19
Floor Detail 2  F5 Upper Column F12 Support Column (outer)
Drainage Channel  F6 Plumbing F13 Support Column (center)
Downspout Detail  F7 Electrical F14 Beam Construction
Wall Removal F15

1st view from above the ceiling where the main beam sets.....(see below)

 .....then from below where the 3" steel column supports the cradle.  When the plate shown is welded onto the 3" steel column, bolts will connect the two.

.....wood will be attached to the circumference of the plate for trim and cover the bottom part of the cradle.