We are presently booking eleven units at Marfa House for shorter-term lodging. Click on the link for each apartment name to view the images of the rooms: Pinto Canyon, Candelaria, Bosque Bonito, Fronteriza, El Balcon, Rio Concho, La Junta, Bandolero, La Ventana, Los Cuates, and Rio Bravo. Marfa House is offering a 15 to 20 percent discount (depending on the unit) off our regular booking rates for any booking made during the month of February, 2025. Please call our management team for details and to check availability at the number listed under the Contact/Location tab.
Marfa House is also offering a long-term residential space in central Marfa, with an option for an artist space in the same location. Click on the link in the menu above: “Long-Term Living Space” for more details.